Today is the day we’ve all been waiting for. Seven years to be exact. The Angry Birds movie is coming out and I have my ticket!

I remember playing this game for a “hot second” when it first came out. Talk about a simple premise for an iPhone game.

In my opinion, I think Hollywood is a little late bringing this film out. I’m sure it will still have success, but the app came out seven years ago.

Now a days, a majority of the studio films are based on existing properties. Whether it’s Furious 7, Battleship, Jurassic World, The Avengers or Batman Vs. Superman, it seems nothing is original.

And today marks the day we have movies about iPhone app games.

As an independent producer, director or writer not backed by a “big-wig” agent, the chances of you getting a project of this caliber off the ground is pretty slim to none.

The Angry Birds movie had a budget of $80 million. Believe it or not, for an animated film seems pretty cheap. Who knows how much they spent on marketing?

I don’t have $80 million sitting in the bank ready to be invested in a film. Do you?

As a result, us writers and filmmakers have to be more strategic in regards to the projects we develop. Whether we want to make the movie ourselves or sell it to some one else.

And there’s no better genre than Horror in doing so. You can probably make a Horror movie with a budget of only $80.

And if you play your cards right, I bet you can make $1,000 off your $80 film.

That might not be much, but probably more than what most filmmakers make. And still pretty cool from a budget of only $80.

I can’t wait to showcase Genre Summit with you. Fifteen working writers, directors and other industry professionals are going to share strategic ways to get your projects out there.

Have your calendar free the week of July 11th-15th because it will be a doozy!

Our speakers have written, produced or directed films for studios such as WB, Paramount and 20th Century Fox.

Featured on the Syfy Channel, Cannes Film Festival and Netflix to name a few other outlets.

Get your free ticket here:

Genre Summit Ticket

Shant Y.

P.S. Here’s another idea for ya. Develop an iPhone app named Angry Monsters. Maybe in a few years Hollywood will be knocking on your door to make it into a film.
