Ashley Scott Meyers Free Preview

Ashley Scott Meyers Selling your screenplay – follow this effective strategy to sell your script. Ashley Scott Meyers is a produced writer. Ninja Apocalypse is his most recent credit. Ashley is also the founder of Selling Your Screenplay. Some of the highlights from...

Alex Ferrari Free Preview

Alex Ferrari How to brand, market and create an audience for your film – Indie Film Hustle. Your browser does not support the audio element. FacebookTwitter  Visit Alex’s Website  Check out Alex’s film – This Is Meg ...

Signe Olynyk Free Preview

Signe Olynyk Crafting the Ultimate Pitch – Sell your project following these simple steps. Signe Olynyk is best known as the writer/producer of Below Zero and co-founder of Scriptfest. Some of the highlights from the workshop: What elements go into your pitch. How to...

David Jung Free Preview

David Jung Possessing your film – what goes into making a demonic supernatural film. David Jung is a writer/director best known for his work on The Possession of Michael King. Some of the highlights from the workshop: How do you stand out and make something original?...

Victor Miller Free Preview

Victor Miller How to turn Your Idea into a Cult Classic – Discover secrets from the creator of one of the biggest horror franchises of all time. Victor Miller is best known as the writer of the original Friday the 13th film. Some of the highlights from the...