GS2 Speaker Kailey Marsh

Kailey Marsh Representation – the truth of seeking out and working with managers and agents Kailey Marsh is a literary manager to screenwriters and directors. She is also the creator of the Blood List. Some of the highlights from the workshop: – What...

GS2 Speaker Kevin Connor

Kevin Connor Captain of the Ship – How to navigate on a film set Kevin Connor is a director best known for his work on Motel Hell, At the Earth’s Core and The People That Time Forgot. Some of the highlights from the workshop: – Follow this...

GS2 Speaker Mark Andrews

Mark Andrews Process of getting your film developed to distribution and everything in between. Mark Andrews is a Production Executive known for The Defender, Wake of Death and Battle of the Brave. Some of the highlights from the workshop: – First look into the...

GS2 Speaker Kyle Rankin

Kyle Rankin Kickstarting your career – taking the initiative and making things happen Kyle Rankin is a writer director known for his latest work Night of the Living Deb Some of the highlights from the workshop: – Why the independent route can be better...