That’s the million dollar question filmmakers have been asking themselves the last 40+ years.
I find it mesmerizing that Steven Spielberg wasn’t even 30 years old when Jaws hit theatres. It shows how far perseverance can take you in this industry.
“Sharknado” a couple people told me in a jokingly manner. I say that Sharknado is definitely the most viral shark movie ever made.
This weekend a new shark movie comes out called The Shallows. Surprisingly, The Shallows has been getting pretty good reviews, and giving Jaws a run for its title.
So will The Shallows beat Jaws for the heavyweight title of best shark movie ever made? I’ll leave that up for you to decide.
We have two speakers at Genre Summit who have made a shark movie.
Jacob Cooney wrote 3-Headed Shark Attack for the Syfy Channel.
Kimble Rendall directed Bait 3D. A film that killed it in Chinese box office.
If you’ve ever wanted to make a shark movie or monster movie in general you will not want to miss their talks.
Some of the themes they cover are:
-Why was Sharknado successful and how you can use its success in your film.
-What elements go into making a true science fiction “B” movie.
-How to get your actors to portray fear in an authentic way.
-Using conflict of your characters to build the tension of your film.
-Why the opening segment is the most important part of your film.
-Crafting gore “gags” for your monster projects.
Shark films will be a sub-genre of monster movies that will not be going away anytime soon. In fact, Warner Brothers is in development of Meg, an action-horror blockbuster shark movie that will be coming out in a couple years.
If you can come up with a unique spin on a shark movie, I can tell you their are buyers that would be ready to snatch your project in a heartbeat…
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– Shant Yegparian
P.S. What do sharks use before attacking surfers? Sun Scream!